About me

Born and raised in the Youngstown, Ohio, I studied renaissance and Church history and art at the Catholic University of America In Washington, DC where I received both a bachelor and Master degree. I was fortunate to study under Msgr. John Tracy Ellis. My theological studies for my Master's of Divinity were at the Washington Theological Union and my coursework was completed at the University of Notre Dame. I am a Master Gardener and Certified Florist. All aspects of gardening are integral to my ministry. More information on this is under the MORE tab under Gardening/Creating a Sacred Space. My artistic interests and pursuits include photography, stained glass, batik, painting, printmaking, and various ethnic crafts such as Pysanky. I’m a member of the Stained Glass Association of America.
In the 1980’s I was the office manager for Fr. Bruce Ritter the founder of Covenant House and have been deeply influenced by the Franciscan order and its commitment to human rights and advocacy for the poor and marginalized. I have also had over twenty years of experience working in accreditation and was responsible for national training in aphasia awareness for the National Aphasia Association.
I am an ordained interfaith and interspiritual minister by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City and am deeply committed to helping people with their individual journeys throughout life. I am especially interested in helping those who have come from religious traditions but, for whatever reason, now feel excluded or on the periphery but nonetheless still hunger for spiritual home and means to express their faith and beliefs.
Having received clerical tonsure and ordination to the minor orders of lector, candle bearer, and subdeacon on September 17, 2018, I was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by Archbishop Miguel José on October 21st, during the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the community of San José Obrero.
I hope that my multi-faceted background and experience will be in service to you in creating beautiful and memorable ceremonies and services.